Student Guide: Buddycheck

What is Buddycheck ?
Buddycheck is a peer scoring software with assistive qualitative and quantitative elements.
Qualitative data is interpretation-based, descriptive, and relating to language. Quantitative data is numbers-based, countable, or measurable.
The qualitative element of Buddycheck is based on the CATME framework developed by Purdue University. The quantitative element refers to the numerical peer scoring process which can potentially alter your individual group grade. Once you complete the peer scoring evaluation, the software produces an adjustment factor which is capped at +/- 20% of the group mark awarded by the academic. The adjustment factor value shows the contribution of a given student relative to other members of their team.
Following the completion of an evaluation, you will receive a personal report from the system which you should use to reflect on your individual and your group’s performance. You should view the process and reports you receive as an opportunity to improve the team’s performance and improve your skills in managing group dynamics and group conflict.
What is Peer assessment and why is it important?
Peer assessment can help you to learn skills including how to assess others and give constructive feedback. Check out our student guide on peer assessment, to find out more about the skills you may learn and how to prepare for a peer assessment.
What do I need to do?
You will receive course-specific instructions before your evaluation begins, which will include a link to the Buddycheck evaluation via your Blackboard course space. Once you have opened Buddycheck, you will be asked to anonymously rate your team and its individual members from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) against several competencies depending on the course. Please be as objective and honest as you can during the evaluation.
Please note that all group members need to take part to make the most of any peer assessment. If one member does not take part, then the results of the evaluation will lose reliability.