Turnitin Peermark

What does Turnitin Peermark do?
PeerMark is a peer review tool which is available through Turnitin. Students submit their assignment via Turnitin and staff access and mark the submission as normal.
The addition of a PeerMark assignment within Turnitin allows staff to allocate submissions to another student for peer review. Therefore, students will receive both instructor feedback and peer feedback, from a single assignment submission.
Staff can choose within PeerMark Setup for submissions to be automatically allocated for peer review, or choose to manually allocate specific students as reviewer/reviewee.
Staff can also determine which questions students need to answer as part of the review process. Options are available to pick from a question bank or to create your own questions and save them to a personal library for reuse. Students will access their allocated PeerMark assignment via the Turnitin inbox. The whole process is managed via the Turnitin assignment inbox, so staff can keep a track of their own marking and the peer review process in one place.
For further information check out the guidance in the pages below:
Turnitin PeerMark: Staff Guide
Turnitin PeerMark: Student Guide
Case Study
FSE Teaching Academy would love to hear from any colleague using Turnitin PeerMark within their teaching. Email: fseteachingcollege@manchester.ac.uk