Enabling Delegated Marking for Blackboard assignments

Delegated Marking is a Blackboard Assignment feature that can be used to facilitate the delegation of marking to multiple markers when double marking is required.
When Delegated Marking is enabled, the first and second marker can work in parallel to mark a submission and provide separate marks and feedback to students. Provisional marks can then be reviewed and reconciled by a nominated member of staff to produce a final grade. Delegated Marking can also be used to allocate third markers where moderation of marking is required.
For step by step instructions download the staff guide, watch the video or follow the quick steps below:
Quick steps
- Create a new Blackboard Assignment or edit an existing one.
- On the Edit Assignment page, expand the Marking Options section and tick Enable Delegated Marking.
- You should now see a list of markers.
- In the Show dropdown menu select All Possible Markers.
- In the Submissions to Mark column, use the drop-down menu to assign work to markers.
- Groups and All Submissions can be used to allocate submissions. Random Set must be avoided.
Submissions to Mark
In the Submissions to Mark column select an appropriate option from the dropdown list for each member of staff:
- For staff who will be marking , select either All Submissions or Groups*.
- For administrators and reconcilers, select All Submissions.
- For any other staff, select None.
Allocating submissions by Groups is recommended. When Groups is selected, a list of existing groups will appear. Highlight the relevant group(s) by clicking on the relevant group(s). To highlight multiple groups, hold down the Shift or Ctrl (Cmd for Mac users) key and click to select.
In the Reconcile Marks column, choose who can reconcile provisional marks and determine the final mark and feedback for each student.
- Select Can reconcile marks for reconcilers and administrators only.
- Unselect Can reconcile marks for any other users.
View Settings
In the View Settings column, choose who can see the scores and feedback given to a submission by other markers.
- Select Can view other markers’ scores, feedback and notes for administrators, reconcilers and third markers only.
- Unselect Can view other markers’ scores feedback and notes for other staff.
- Finally select Submit to save changes.
For support with delegated marking queries contact the eLearning Team via the Support Portal.