Assessment & Marking Teaching Tools

How to add feedback in Turnitin

This video shows step-by-step instructions on how to add inline feedback, annotations, audio feedback and Quickmarks when marking a Turnitin assignment.

Video Contents

  • Inline marking tools: 00:00:00 > 00:01:50
  • QuickMarks: 00:01:51 > 00:03:22
  • Feedback summary tool: 00:03:23 > 00:03:44
  • Audio feedback: 00:03:45 > 00:04:24

‘Quick Steps’

  • In Feedback Studio, click anywhere on a paper to reveal the inline marking tools.
  • Click on the ‘T’ icon to leave text directly on the student’s paper. Click outside the text box to save the text.
  • To add a comment, click or highlight a relevant section of text and click the Speech bubble icon.  You can use comments to add text or hyperlinks by typing in the comments box. If a rubric is attached to the assignment you can also associate the comment with a rubric item.  Click outside the comment box to save the comment.
  • To strike through a piece of text, highlight the text and then click on the Strike icon that appears.
  • QuickMarks: To add a QuickMark either click on a specific area or highlight the section of text and click the QuickMark icon.
  • Click the title at the top of the QuickMark drop down list and choose the active library
  • Click any of the QuickMarks within your chosen library to add it to the assignment, drag and drop to move.
  • To a convert a Comment to a QuickMark.  Click on the Comment to open it, then click Convert to QuickMark. Choose a title for the QuickMark and assign it to a set.
  • To add an individual comment to a QuickMark.  Click the QuickMark on the paper and then type your text into the comment field. Click anywhere outside of the comment to save.
  • To leave a written summary of feedback click the Feedback Summary icon to expand the side panel. Next click in the Text Comment box and start typing your comment.
  • To add a voice comment click the Feedback Summary icon to expand the side panel.  Before recording make sure you have an inbuilt or external microphone available. Click the Record button to start recording, click Pause if you need to and click Stop when done.  Click the Play button to listen back.  Finally, click the Disk icon to save and use the Trash icon if you wish to delete the recording.

Additional Resources